At Stoneyholme, PSHCE encompasses: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. During PSHCE lessons, children learn about themselves, other people, rights and responsibilities and relationships. PSHCE/RHE gives children the knowledge, skills and attributes to keep themselves healthy and safe, teaching skills to prepare them for life beyond Stoneyholme.
PSHCE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education.
RHE stands for Relationships and Health Education.
I am a Stoneyholme citizen because...
- I have the confidence to use my core beliefs and positive influences to make the right choices
- I know what to expect from a healthy, loving relationship
- I know how to look after myself both physically and emotionally, understanding how and who to seek help from when I need it
- I feel I am a valued member of society and embrace diversity
- I can lead an independent life and show resilience to manage any challenges that come my way through the journey of life
Road Map
Curriculum Overview
Together, substantive and disciplinary concepts help students not only know more but also remember more. At Stoneyholme Community Primary School, children learn about their health and wellbeing, safety, the changing body, family and relationships, citizenship and economic wellbeing (substantive concepts) through interpretation of themselves, awareness of issues that affect themselves and others, reflection and empowerment that gives them the opportunities to make their own choices for their lives whilst at Stoneyholme and beyond (disciplinary concepts).
Situational Report
a situational report on pshce.pdf
PSHCE/RHE education at Stoneyholme will equip children and young people with knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive, fulfilled, capable and responsible lives.
PSHCE comprises all aspects of school's planned provision to promote children's personal and social development, including health and wellbeing. At the heart of this is the UN Convention of Rights of the Child. (UNCRC)
At Stoneyholme Community Primary School, we aim to provide a broad and balanced PSHCE/RHE ‘Learning for Life’ curriculum with high quality teaching at the core. Recognition is given to the importance of PSHCE/RHE in everyday life in the present and future, including in: relationships, employment, living in community, keeping safe and growing and changing.
Teaching and learning will be enriching, purposeful and conducted in a safe secure learning environment ensuring children know more and remember more.
We intend that all pupils will be:
- prepared for adult life by supporting them through physical emotional, mental, social, spiritual and moral development
- Pupils will be supported to confidently make informed and safe life choices which they can use as they move through their lives beyond Stoneyholme
- Our ‘Learning for Life’ PSHCE curriculum will put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships, including family, friends and online
- It will cover how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect
- We aim to give children the information and the vocabulary they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing and to be able to seek support as soon as any need arises
- In PSHCE, at Stoneyholme School, we implement a knowledge and skills lead PSHCE curriculum. Pupils will be given regular opportunities to apply their Knowledge & skills in PSHCE lessons, across subjects and in the wider roles in school, through a range of practical, collaborative and written work
- Planning and teaching will ensure they are covering the statutory and non statutory elements of the PSHCE curriculum for each year group
- Teachers will plan lessons that build upon K&S and ensure there is deep understanding so that all children master learning and development
- Adaptive planning will incorporate K&S for each class, in each year group, meeting the needs of all children
- PSHCE will offer pupils a meaningful way of communicating, understanding and developing in social, cultural, emotional, relational, moral and physical dimensions of the world in which they live
- They will also be informed as to how to make safe choices, respect themselves, form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships
- Our intent for vocabulary in PSHCE is to expose all pupils to year group specific PSHCE language
- Teachers will share this the start of the topic or lesson
- Pupils will be expected to use vocabulary both verbally and in written form to discuss, reason and communicate, topics and issues covered
- Teachers will allow children to verbalise their thought processes and encourage the use of correct terminology and vocabulary when doing this
The PSHCE curriculum is delivered through a variety of different ways:
- PSHCE sessions which are taught weekly for one hour
- Class assemblies/ class discussions and debates
- Assemblies
- Awareness days/weeks
- Enrichment activities during lunchtime and at the end of the day
- Cross curricular links- PE, Science, RE, Maths , ICT
- Aspects of PSHCE are taught through Picture News, this is a weekly resource which is a current news story, an image, a thought-provoking question to be discussed
Evidence is recorded in a class floor book and children’s work and engagement in PSHCE is uploaded on their class page every half term.
Pupil voice: It is important to listen to the voices of everyone in the school community. Children's responses during PSHCE lessons and monitoring by the subject leader will be used to assess the impact of our current curriculum and make changes necessary to continue to engage and inspire the children ,The Pupil parliament is a platform for pupils to discuss relevant and current issues and Picture News is used to encourage debate of current issues.
Knowledge: Children will learn about personal, social and emotional development including: the importance of family life, valuing stable and loving relationships based on the British values of mutual respect, individual liberty, tolerance, rule of law and democracy and understand personal physical development at the age appropriate time and live in the wider world and community.
Skills: Children will have the resilience and emotional tools to understand the world in which they live, to manage successful relationships, live safely on and offline and manage their growing and changing bodies. Children will grow, learn and develop healthy behaviour and relationships in the world and country, in which they live.
Cultural capital: Our children face environmental, emotional, cultural and humanitarian challenges. Children will explore British Values and the impact of them in their lives, through engagement with current affairs. They will engage with adults from different career backgrounds, faiths and religions, during PSHCE lessons and activities.
Our PSHCE Curriculum is planned and organised to ensure progression. We use the following methods to track their progress in PSHCE:
- Key questioning on previous knowledge and current
- Pupil discussions within class about their learning
- Pupil interviews about their learning with subject leader
- Monitoring of floor books, knowledge organisers, long term plans and the website
- lesson drop ins by the subject leader
RHE Policy
relationship and health education policy.pdf
Pupil Voice
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6