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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Welcome to Stoneyholme Community Primary School! We are currently the only primary school in Burnley to be graded as OUTSTANDING by Ofsted.

Stoneyholme Community Primary School is a busy, vibrant school on the outskirts of Burnley.  The staff and governors are committed to providing the very best education and provision for all of our children.  We are a Trauma Informed school with nurture at the heart of our ethos and practice.

Stoneyholme Community Primary School is a very popular school with over 420 pupils on roll.  We are a two form entry school with 16 classes.  We have a ratio of 1 teacher to 20 children in Reception to ensure they get off to the best possible start.  The vast majority of our children come from either Bangladeshi or Pakistani heritage speaking Bengali, Pushto or Punjabi.  Our pupils are delightful, extremely well behaved and polite and our parents and community are hugely supportive of the work we do in school.

Of course, it is our amazing children that make our school what it is, but a huge strength of the school is the staff.  All of our staff are wholly committed to meeting the needs of our children and are extremely caring, supportive and flexible.  In addition to very talented, capable class teachers, HLTA’s and Teaching Assistants, we have specialist teachers of The Arts, PE and ICT, a large Pastoral Team comprising of a Children and Family Support Leader, Attendance Officer, Outreach Workers and Community Liaison Worker and a highly effective Additional Educational Needs team that provides support for children with EAL and SEN and deliver specialist programmes. 

Our curriculum is designed to support children of all abilities to achieve the highest possible academic standards while developing physically, socially and emotionally.  Children are encouraged to participate in a wide range of extra -curricular activities at lunchtime and after school.  We also have an innovative and highly popular Enrichment Programme that ensures all pupils have access to a range of activities to enhance their self esteem, confidence and life experiences.  All children at Stoneyholme are automatically enrolled in Children's University, raising their aspiration.

The school is situated on a large site and is modern and well equipped.  Built in 1990, the building has recently undergone a refurbishment.  The school has excellent facilities, both inside and out and much pride is taken in creating a stimulating, exciting and purposeful learning environment.  Pupils benefit from the use of; a large hall, Arts Room, Media suite (comprising of an ICT suite, Green Screen Studio and Radio Station), Outdoor Classroom, Family Rooms, libraries (including a converted bus!), a Sensory Room and group rooms.  Outside, we are fortunate to have large playground areas, an extensive Multi Use Games Area, our very own mini Eden Project, Playing Fields, Meadow, Forest School Area, Sensory Alley etc.  Wherever possible, we provide rich, first-hand opportunities for Learning outside the Classroom in our school grounds, local community or further afield to enable children to connect with the world around them. We are committed to using emerging technologies to enhance the learning experience of our pupils.  All of our classrooms and teaching areas have Promethean whiteboards, we also have full class sets of Activevote, Kindles, year group sets of laptops and each child has their own iPad.

I feel very proud and privileged to be a part of Stoneyholme school and community.  We have tried hard to capture everything that we do on our website (you will find more detailed information on the 'About Us' pages) however, if you wish to find out more information or to arrange a visit, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to make the necessary arrangements.  Visitors are always welcome!

Lisa Davison