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To be able to understand and learn the 10 times table.

Let’s look at the problem together.


Let’s learn.

Let’s try the guided practice together.


Turn to page 67 and 68.


To demonstrate an understanding of a text by asking and answering questions.

When we have read the first part of the story, we will use these question starters to find out more information. Mrs Fernandes and Mr Latif will model good questions for you first.

Remember we punctuate every question beginning with a capital letter and ending with a question mark.



 What do you think Christians mean when they call Jesus ‘The light of the World’?



Tell me one thing you remember from last week about light and Jesus. 


Did you know that Christians know Jesus as 'The Light of the World'? What do you think is meant by this?


Christians are taught that Jesus is life and light. They believe that, as a divine gift (a gift from God), he is what gives them life and will show them the way. 

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never overcome it. (John 1:4-5)


Jesus himself said:

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)


When he said this, Jesus wasn't talking about a light source like a torch. He was talking about being safe, being protected from sin, being able to see the path towards God. Christians believe that Jesus came, just as the prophets spoke, to save people from their enemies (sins) and show them God's love. Because they believe in him, they too can be the light to others.

Play the video below to hear one of the songs some Christians sing about light.



What do you think Christians mean when they call Jesus ‘the light of the world’?