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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to make subtraction stories and represent them in subtraction sentences.


How many pencils are not green?


There are _____ pencils in the pot.

_____ are green.

What would the subtraction sentence look like?

How many pencils are not green?

Now complete 61 & 62.

Maths (Adaptive teaching)

To respond to question 'How many?' To demonstrate an understanding of more or less in practical situations.

Repeat activity from Monday using cubes.

More cubes than group members (up to 10). 

Pupils to respond to question 'How many?'

Each take a cube, then respond to same question.

Are there more or less cubes on the table/carpet now?

Repeat. Include example with same number as group so '0' cubes are left.

Write poems with simple structures.

Today your teacher is going to do a modeled write with the poem below: 

The fire cracked.

The smoked billowed.

The flames glowed.

The children cheered.

Focus on spaces between words and –ed endings. 

Now it's your turn, follow this model, either copy or change some of the words. 


Adaptive Teaching

Revisit the descriptive words you discussed yesterday to describe the fire. 

You are going to write words together to describe the fire.

Segment 'big' together, talk about what it starts with, write it in the air etc.. Adult to write the word with the children telling you what to write. Repeat with 'red' and 'hot'.

The end poem will be:

The fire is big. 

The fire is red.

The fire is hot.

The children are independently writing the words on Thursday. 


Do we know when someone is lonely and how we can help them?

How can you tell this person is feeling lonely?

To better help us understand the signs of loneliness in others, it helps to understand how we might feel if we are lonely.


 Role play in pairs. How many different ways can we help them?


Draw someone who is feeling lonely in the middle and ways you can help them around the outside.


Can we investigate ways to create a hinge using cardboard?

Last week we looked at hinges, can you remember what they are used for and where to find them? 

We are going to make a hinge using cardboard and pipe cleaners.





Now we are going to make a cardboard hinge, just like in the video. 

  • Draw a rectangle (like a door) using a ruler
  • Cut it out carefully
  • Draw the hinge holes on the door and the frame
  • Make the hole using the pencil (your teacher can help with this part)
  • Thread your pipe cleaner in and twist loosely
  • Open and close the door