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Each sentence has a spelling mistake.

Write out each sentence with the correct spelling. 


1. Each chyld was given a certificate.

2. Tom won a gowld medal.

3. Lee went swimming arftr school.

4. The parth was very steep.

5. Josef was shaw that he was right.

6. Suki was the ownly child who liked peas.

7. They were a very noisy clars.

8. It was very cowld outside.


We will be completing  a star reader. Read the questions carefully and try your best.



Imitate: Fronted adverbials for when. 

Teacher model:



Until the Romans arrived in Britain,                                                                            .

After the Romans arrived in Britain,                                                                             .


Your turn: add an appropriate second clause.


Before the Romans came,                                                                               .

After burning down Colchester,                                                                                .

When Boudicca and the Britons were defeated,                                                                 .

While the Romans were present in Britain,                                                            .

Thursday 9th January 2025.

LC: To read and appraise non- chronological  reports.

Reports are informative pieces of writing that give information to the reader about a certain topic. For example: space, the bald eagle, Scotland, flags of the world or anything else you’re interested in.

Watch this short clip to learn about what makes a clear and informative report.

 Examples of a non- chronological report: 


t e 2549520 lks2 british science week differentiated reading comp.pdf


t e 2551260 lks2 remembrance day differentiated reading comprehension activity.pdf


t e 25 1.pdf



Discuss the questions below: 

What type of text is this? 


How do you know?


What is the purpose of the report?


Who is the intended audience?


What do you think this text is effective and why?


Task in groups : examine a range of layouts in 2 different non-chronological texts. Discuss likes and dislikes, giving justifications, and complete the grid to appraise them on. 





Task 2: 


Discuss your appraisals. Which did you prefer?




Complete a critique as a short writing opportunity. 


Teacher model: 


My favourite non chronological report was                                                                                                                                                  because                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .


We will be writing a Non- chronological report on Roman life. We will be learning how to identify and use a range of features. 



LC- To multiply 3 digit with renaming.


Worksheet 11, pages 131 and 132.



Thursday 9th January 2024

LC- To know who the Anglo-Saxons were and where they came from.


    Towards the end of the Roman time in Britain, our land was attacked by different tribes from Europe. The Romans fought them off  but when the Romans left Britain, we were left to fight to protect ourselves and to be honest, we weren't very good at it. We had become used to living under Roman rule and protection.


  The following map shows where the invaders came from. The Scots came from Ireland and took over land in the north. That became know as Scotland.  The Jutes, Angles and Saxons came from what is now Denmark and also Germany. Other groups tried to invade too. 

Have a look where about in Britain, the groups settled.

  As you can see, the most land in England was taken over by the Angles and the Saxons. They became known as the Anglo Saxons and this is who we will be concentrating our learning on.


    Your task


  On a blank map of Britain, show where the different invaders settled.