LC: To be able to tell time to the minute.
Thursday 13th March 2025
LC: To write the first two paragraphs for an independent write.
Let's take a quick look at what we need to add in the first paragraph:
Your main character is doing their chosen activity, they feel like they are being watched. How is your character feeling? What are they thinking? The Iron Man is seen by your main character.
Remember to add the following:
Combine characters and setting.
Contains adverbs.
Complex sentences with commas to separate clauses.
Second Paragraph:
In this section, your character will run home frightened, to go and tell a family member about the Iron Man. Your character and their family member will go to tell the people in the neighbourhood.
Contains adverbs.
Complex sentences with commas to separate clauses.
Inverted commas for speech.
R - What have the brother and sister found?
I - How is the sister feeling?
C - Will the brother and sister return in time?
Thursday 13th March 2025
LC: read books that are structured in different ways.
Yesterday we had a look at a book that was structured in a different way. What genre were the books?
Today, we will have a look at another book that has been written in a different way:
This book has written letters. Can you remember the key features of a letter?
Let's highlight them together and label them!
Find the key features of the text below and label them:
Thursday 13th March 2025
LC: To analyse the taste, texture, smell, and appearance of a range of foods.
What did we learn about in Science and Engineering last week?
With you talk partner discuss the importance of a healthy balanced diet. Why are nutrients are important?
Can you remember all 7 nutrients?
We are going to make a breaded cutlet in the Cooking Pot.
Breaded cutlet may provide plenty of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fibre while being low in fat.
We need to decide which vegetables we are going to include in our vegetable soup.
Activity 1
We need to analyse the vegetables by looking at the following:
1. Appearance - What do they look like? colourful, large, small
2. Texture - How do they feel? rough, hard, soft, smooth
3. Smell - How do they smell? strong, sweet, mild
4. Taste - How do they taste? sour, tangy, spicy, bitter, juicy
When you get to a vegetable station you need to complete that section of the table.
You might want to use some of the vocabulary above (highlighted in red).
Activity 2
You need to choose three vegetables you liked the most; write the names of the items on your whiteboards.
Activity 3
As a class we will add the results to our tally charts!
Have you used a tally chart before? When? Why are they useful?