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LC: To be able to subtract pounds and pence with renaming.


Monday 3rd March 2025


LC: To orally rehearse sentences using a variety of prepositions.

A preposition tells us where something is. For example:

A dog can be:

  • in the doghouse
  • around the doghouse
  • near the doghouse
  • on the doghouse

Here are some prepositions that can be used to create sentences about the Iron man.



Take out your whiteboards and markers and create a sentence using one of the prepositions. Here is my example:

Hogarth saw the Iron Man across the crashing tide of the river.

We will now orally rehearse your sentences.

LC: To write sentences which contain powerful verbs, generated from a word bank.

We are going to dramatise chapter 2 of the Iron Man. Let’s briefly recap the main events.

Hogarth, a farmer's son, was fishing by a stream when he saw two glowing lights on a cliff. It was the Iron Man, a giant creature! Scared, he ran home to tell his dad, who believed him. The farmers found damaged tractors and strange footprints, leading back to the cliff where the Iron Man had disappeared into the sea.

The farmers decided to trap the Iron Man by digging a deep hole and covering it with branches. But days went by without any sign of him. Hogarth had a new idea to catch a fox, using a trap. When the Iron Man appeared, Hogarth tapped a nail against his knife to grab his attention, leading the Iron Man into the trap! The farmers cheered when they captured him. However, Hogarth felt guilty for tricking the Iron Man into the trap, realising he didn't want to harm him.

We are going to create a conscience alley to help us with our drama piece.

You are going to be grouped together in groups of 5 or 7. One person will have the role of being Hogarth and the rest will be the thoughts that are going through Hogarths mind.

When Hogarth saw the Iron Man , what did he think?








Powerful Verbs: 


Using what you have learnt in the lesson, write some sentences which contain powerful verbs.


Monday 3rd March 2025

LC: To identify who became a disciple of Jesus and why they decided to follow him.

Messiah - leader regarded as the saviour of a particular country.



Peter believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah, the person who would rule Israel and the rest of the world.

Question time

What was the fisherman called, who decided to follow Jesus?

Why do you think Simon Peter laughed when he was told that Jesus was the messiah?

Why was Jesus special? What did he do to make Simon Peter believe he was the messiah? 

Why do you think Simon Peter decided to follow Jesus? 

Do you think it was easy for Simon Peter to stop his job as a fisherman?

Simon Peter was a simple, hard-working man. Jesus invited Peter and his brother Andrew to follow him, saying “follow me and I will make you a fisher of men”. What do you think a fisher of men is?

Peter’s name was Simon, but Jesus changed it to Peter, which means ‘rock’.

Jesus said “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church”.            

Peter became a disciple and followed Jesus, becoming one of his closest and most trusted friends.  

Jesus told Peter he would ‘give him the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven’.  


Task 1

You need to describe why Peter became a disciple of Jesus and why he decided to follow him.

One of Jesus' disciples was called ... and he decided to follow him because...



Matthew believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah, the person who would rule Israel and the rest of the world.


Question time

What are tax collectors?

What type of person do you think Matthew was before he followed Jesus?

What did people think about tax collectors?

Why do you think Jesus wanted Matthew to be a disciple?

Matthew had money and protection. Why did he decide to give up his job/lifestyle to follow Jesus? Why was Jesus so special?


Task 2

You need to describe why Matthew became a disciple of Jesus and why he decided to follow him.

One of Jesus' disciples was called ... and he decided to follow him because...