LC: To be able to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of money.
Friday 7th March 2025
LC: To compare and group rocks according to their physical properties.
Last week we identified rocks. We looked at their appearance and properties.
Appearance - The way something looks
Physical Property - A physical property is any property that can be observed using the five senses or can be measured. Common physical properties include mass, volume, weight, color, size, and texture.
Can you remember some of the rocks we identified?
Friday 7th March 2025
LC: To understand what influences us in making choices on what we eat and drink?
3G - PSHCE - Spring 2
What is your favourite food? Why is it your favourite?
Discuss with your talk partner.
What foods do you not like? Think about the senses (i.e. sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste).
Discuss with your talk partner.
The food you like now might change as you get older. Why is this?
Are there any foods you CAN'T eat? Why?
Do you think that will change as you get older? Or will you never eat that food?
Friday 7th March 2025
LC: To write paragraph 2 of a narrative, which includes inverted commas for speech.
On Wednesday we had a look at writing our opening paragraph for when your character sees the Iron Man for the first time. Today, we are going to be focusing on the second paragraph of where your main character runs home to tell a relative about the Iron Man and both of them set out to capture him but they fail. They then go around the neighborhood warning people about what they saw.
We need to make sure that we follow our toolkit:
- Adverbs
- Complex sentences with commas to separate clauses.
- Inverted commas for speech.
Here is my second paragraph. Can you spot any of the features from the toolkit?
(Giles/_____) , who was terrified, raced home, gasping for breath. “Dad! You won’t believe what I saw!” he shouted, his voice filled with panic. “There’s a gigantic Iron Man in the woods!” Shocked and furious, Dad immediately grabbed the keys and they jumped into the car. “We must tell the neighbours!” Dad exclaimed, driving speedily towards the house. When they arrived, they saw the enormous Iron Man towering over the garden, rusted metal gleaming in the sunlight. "Look!” (Giles/---) pointed, his heart pounding. They tried to run him over, but the Iron Man simply stepped aside, utterly unfazed. Next, they visited each engineer's house, knocking frantically on doors to explain how their machinery had been broken or eaten by the ferocious Iron Man. “This thing is a menace!” Dad grumbled, frustration clear in his voice. The villagers needed to act quickly to stop the mechanical beast.
Now it's your turn! Before you begin, read through your opening paragraph from Wednesday to refresh your memory as to where your story is up to. Remember to include the grammar from the toolkit!