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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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LC: To be able to show amounts of money using different combinations of coins.



LC: to write complex sentences using the conjunction 'so'.

Match the beginning of each sentence on the left with the correct ending on the right by writing the letter in the space provided.

  1. It was raining, so (___)
  2. I worked hard, so (___)
  3. She was tired, so (___)
  4. The park was closed, so (___)

a. I put my coat on.
b. I could play on my tablet.
c. I went home early.
d. she took a nap.


Write two sentences about something you did last night, using ‘so’ to show the reason for each action. For example:
“I went to the park, so I invited my friend.

  1. ___
  2. ___


LC: To read, analyse and evaluate texts looking at language, structure and presentation.

Today we are going to chunk sections of the film.

Your teacher will play the clip for you.



Your teacher will play the clip again and freeze frame sections of the clip. As a class, chunk the plot into a series of events. Your teacher will create a class storyboard.



R- Where is the girl?

I- How might she be feeling?

C- Why do you think the illustrator has not shown what is inside?


Tuesday 25th February 2025

LC: To listen to and discuss a wider range of fiction.

  •     What is your favourite story? 
  •     Stories and films can have different genres, for example: comedy or action. Can you think of any other genres?
  •     Have you ever listened to a story being read aloud? What did you enjoy about it? 

Here are some book covers. Can you decide by looking at the cover what genre the story might be? 

Does this book cover look like it might be a story that has adventure, fantasy or mystery? 

Take a look at the next book cover:

What genre? Adventure, fantasy or mystery?

Let's take a look at this last book cover:

What genre? Adventure, fantasy or mystery?

Today we are going to focus on The boy who grew dragons. You will listen to your teacher read the first few pages and get ready to answer some questions. 

The boy who grew dragons 

Let's take a look at some of these questions together:

  1.     What are the main plants that people expect to grow in a garden? The main plants that people expect to grow in a garden are...


  1.      How does the narrator describe the trouble caused by dragons compared to cucumbers? The trouble that dragons can cause are...


  1.      Describe what dragons could potentially do to your belongings, based on the text. Dragons could do.... to your belongings.


  1.      What does the narrator suggest about the overall experience of raising dragons? The experience of growing dragons would be...



Can you answer the following questions in your reading Journals:

  1.      Why would people be surprised to hear about dragons being grown?  


 People would be surprised to hear about growing dragons, because...


  1.      How does the narrator feel about growing dragons?  

The narrator is feeling... because...

  1.      Look at the text and write down 2 things that cucumbers cannot do. 

Cucumbers can not...



Tuesday 25th February 2025

LC: To identify the main achievements during the Bronze Age.

Talk Partners

Discuss what you have learnt about the Stone Age.


There is a large period of time for which we have no written records, we call this ‘prehistory’. 

Starting from evidence of the first early humans, it is split into three sections. 

The Stone Age – 800,000 BC

The Bronze Age – 2,100 BC

The Iron Age – 750 BC

The Bronze Age in Britain lasted around 1500 years.


Let's watch the below video up to 3 minutes 30 seconds and answer some questions. Watch and listen carefully!


What did people turn rocks into in the Bronze Age?

What were the people called who arrived in Britain? What did they know?


Why did they need sharper, stronger tools? 

Why did they weave wool into sheets of fabric?



What were the main achievements in the Bronze Age?

You need to write a paragraph identifying two achievements that happened in the Bronze Age.

How did they make it?

Why did they make it?

In the Bronze Age they...

They did this because...