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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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LC: To be able to add pounds and pence with renaming.




R - How are the brother and sister different?

I- Where is the girl sat?

C- Why do the brother and sister not play together?


Thursday 27th February 2025

LC: To listen to and discuss a wider range of fiction.

Can you remember what has happened in our story of The boy who grew dragons? 

What do we already know? 

Discuss with your talk partners. 

Today we have been given the job to create a picture for the book (we are going to be illustrators). To begin with we need to read the description and then discuss what we might have in our picture. Let’s have a look at the following sentence on page 8: 

"The worst thing to dig up was this stuff Grandad called bongleweed – it wound itself around everything, clinging to roots, shoots and shrubs for dear life". 

 Discuss and imagine what bongleweed would look like. Can you help me to sketch it?

Here is another description from the book:

"Sprouting from some of the cactus arms were vivid yellow and orange tendrils, like bursts of flames. And on each one of those nestled a fruit. Some were large and red and looked fit to burst, others were small and green and looked new. But all of them had weird spiky pineapple-like leaves. They were so unlike anything I’d ever seen in our fruit bowl at home I found myself reaching up to touch them". 

Do we know what the words in green mean?





From reading the text, can you sketch what the strange plant looks like?

Your teacher will give you a plain piece of paper to sketch on.  


LC: To read, analyse and evaluate texts looking at language, structure and presentation.

How does the author introduce the character and the setting within Chapter 2. Let’s highlight the text and analyse.

Chapter 2

 Let’s explore the opening of some other narratives. Can we spot any common features with the Iron Man?



Thursday 27th February 2025

LC: To understand where foods are grown, reared, caught, and processed.


Grown, Reared, Caught and Processed Food
