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Monday 24th February 2025

LC: To write complex sentences using the conjunction 'so'.

Conjunctions are words which connect sentences or groups of words. There are seven coordinating conjunctions: but, or, so, and, yet, for, nor. Today we will focus on the conjunction 'So'

  • so –  is used for showing the reason why something has happened.
    He was very hungry, so he ate all the cake.
  • Lucy was tired, so she took a nap.
  • Henry quickly changed his clothes, so he could get to the match on time.

Let's use Kung fu punctuation to see what punctuation has been used.

Where have the commas been used? 

Would this sentence make sense if we swapped the clause?

She took a nap, so she was tired.


Can you write 3 of your own complex sentences using the conjunction 'so'.

Here are some simple starters to get you going:

  1. The boy climbed the tree, so...
  2. Sarah learned her times tables, so...
  3. The farmer sold his cow, so...


LC: Respond to texts and justify opinions.

At the end of last half term we had started to look at the following book:


Let's remind ourselves about what happened at the start of the story.

The Iron Man

Can you remember who saw the Iron Man first? What was the boys name? What did he do?

Today we are going to take a look at the first chapter and read a poem by Brenda William. We are then going to decide which one we liked better and why.

Chapter 1 - The Iron Man


Do you prefer chapter 1 of the book or the poem?

Discuss your preferences in small groups. 
Write your preferences in your books. 

I preferred the book because...

I preferred the poem because...



LC: To be able to find a total amount of money by counting on.


Monday 24th February 2025

LC: To identify what is meant by discipleship.

What do you already know about Christianity?

Before we start the lesson, you will complete a quiz on SeeSaw. 

Do you have any special hobbies or talents you like to participate in?

Do you play sports, or cook or sew, or have a group that you’re a part of?

What would you do if someone told you that you had to give up that thing you really enjoy doing, just drop it all of a sudden?

You might be a little sad! But what if they told you that be letting go of that one hobby you love, you would be really great at doing something different?

Discipleship is a journey of spiritual growth. This growth happens as a person comes alongside another to witness to them, pray with them and study the Bible with them.

A disciple of Jesus is someone who is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and is committed to the mission of Jesus. A disciple strives to live more like him. 


What is Jesus' mission? Why was he sent to earth?

Jesus came to earth to preach the Good News – to give people an understanding of the Kingdom of God and the eternal hope that they had through Him. And Jesus particularly delighted in doing this among the impoverished, the weak, the hurting and the rejected in society. Jesus not only preached the Good News through his words, but He powerfully demonstrated the Good News through his actions!


Everybody needs to act out a hobby. What will you choose? Cricket? Gymnastics? Cooking?

I will be the leader with an important message. I will walk around and spread an important message.

  • When I approach you, you will need to stop and listen.
  • Once you have received the message, you will need to stop your hobby and go up to another child and pass that message on.
  • Once you have delivered the message to another child you will need to follow me.

Will I have 30 followers by the end of the walk?

The big question!

What is discipleship?

In your books describe what discipleship is. 

Discipleship is...