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Wednesday 5th February 2025

LC: To use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.

Why do we use inverted commas?

Where do we put them? 

Whole Class

Let's add the inverted commas in the correct places!

Can we have pizza for dinner? asked Max.
Yes, that sounds yummy! replied Mum.

Max said, Thank you so much Mum.


In your books, write the sentence from each speech bubble and identify who has said it. You MUST include inverted commas for the speech!



Wednesday 5th February 2025

LC: Listen to and discuss a wider range of fiction. 

Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun

Today, we are going to read chapter two.

Onyeka Chapters 1 - 3

Think, pair, share!

1. How might this part of the story be different if it were told from Cheyenne’s perspective?

2. Describe the main characters in the story. What traits do they possess, and how do their actions drive the plot?

3. Onyeka decides to jump into the water to save Cheyenne despite not being able to swim. What does this reveal about her character and her values?

4. Onyeka’s hair creates a magic shield underwater and saves them both. How might Onyeka’s feelings towards her hair change?

5. What did her hair represent before the incident and now after?

6. Why is it important to be unique? Why should you embrace your differences?


What makes Onyeka different to others?

Onyeka is different to others because she...

What unique qualities does she have?

Onyeka's has unique qualities. The qualities are...

What makes you unique and different to everybody else?





R - What did the tiger's whiskers feel like?

I - Why do you think Rory was nervous when reaching up to the tiger?

C - Can you find the rhyming words in the text?


Wednesday 5th February 2025

LC: To listen to and discuss playscripts.

Features of a playscript

I am going to put you into groups of seven.

As a group, you will decide who is playing each role.

First, you must spend some time looking at the words in the script and the amount you will have to say. 

Next, you will read the script as a group.

What three things are important when reading a text? Think about what we discussed last week when learning the poem 'My Tree and Me'.




LC: To be able to write capacity in Litres and Millilitres.