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R - What did the otters smell?

I - How were the otters feeling when they crept over to the rocks to take a closer look? Can you find evidence from the text?

C - How many adverbs can you find? What are they?


Wednesday 29th January 2025

LC: To identify the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph.

The main idea is the most important idea in a paragraph.

Can you remember one of the paragraphs we read yesterday? What was the main idea? How did you know?

If you are reading a non-fiction text, what could you use to help you find the main idea?

Remember to look for key words or phrases that keep appearing!

Whole Class

Wood is made up of cells. Each wood cell is long and hollow. They are very small but there are millions of them in a tree. These cells are all held tightly together with a very sticky glue. This means that wood is very strong!

What is the main idea of the above paragraph?

a) Wood is important. 

b) Wood is very strong.

c) Wood is made up of cells.


Most sharks eat fish, like tuna or mackerel, but some also eat squid, crabs, and other sea creatures. Big sharks, like great white sharks, may hunt seals or even small whales. Sharks don’t chew their food—they swallow it in big chunks. Some sharks, like the whale shark, are filter feeders. They eat tiny plants and animals, called plankton, by filtering them out of the water. Sharks are skilled hunters and eat what they need to survive.

a) Sharks don't chew their food.

b) What sharks eat and how they eat it.

c) Sharks are incredible ocean animals. 



Eating healthy is important because it gives our bodies the energy and nutrients they need to grow, stay strong, and fight off illness. Eating a variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins, helps keep us healthy. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding too much sugar also supports good health. When we make healthy food choices, we feel better, have more energy, and can focus better in school and daily activities.

a) Drinking plenty of water supports good health.

b) Eating healthy is important.

c) We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

Circle the correct answer.

Frogs eat different types of food depending on their size. Most frogs eat insects like flies, mosquitoes, and crickets. Bigger frogs can eat small fish, worms, and even other frogs! They use their long, sticky tongues to catch their food quickly. Baby frogs, called tadpoles, eat plants and algae until they grow into adult frogs. Eating the right food helps frogs stay strong and healthy in their habitats.

What is the main idea of the paragraph?




Wednesday 30th January 2025

LC: To explore the conjunction 'although' within a complex sentence.

We use the conjunction 'although' to link two contrasting ideas or to show that one fact makes the other fact surprising. 

Although the sun was shining, it was still cold at the top of the Faraway Tree. 

The monkshood flower is poisonous, although it does look very beautiful. 

I like to eat sweets, although they are bad for me.

Although I was tired, I still went to football practise.

We enjoyed camping, although it rained every day. 


First, think of a complex sentence with the conjunction 'although'. 

Next, share it with your talk partner.

Finally, share it with the class!



Wednesday 29th January 2025

LC: To orally rehearse a poem using tone, intonation, volume and action.

Today we will select a poem to perform! 

Can you remember what Mrs Fernandez asked us to do?

Look back at your poetry reviews from yesterday's English lesson. What did you like about that poem?


Talk Partners

Would you like our poem to rhyme?

Does it need rhythm?

Is punctuation important?


Remember, Mrs Fernandez and year 2 love to learn about trees! Which poetry form would be most suitable? Haiku? Narrative? Acrostic?

Let's have a look at some poems about trees and select which one will be the most exciting to learn!






LC: To be able to measure capacity in millilitres.