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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to measure and compare the lengths of lines in centimetres.

Let’s explore

Let’s learn

Activity time

To say, write and punctuate sentences with time conjunctions.

Today we are going to write the end of our innovated recount retelling Robert Falcon Scott's journey to the South Pole.

Use the skeleton we changed to sequence the events in chronological order.

We will model how to write using:

  • capital letters and full stops
  • time conjunctions
  • past tense
  • capital letters for proper nouns (names of people and places)

I can recount the life of someone famous from Britain, who lived in the past.

This half term we have learnt all about Sir Robert Falcon Scott. We have looked at the following:

  • Using enquiry skills to ask and answer questions about the past
  • Similarities and differences of our own lives and Scott's life
  • Ordering the key events of Scott's life
  • Significance of Scott's life


Talk Partner

Share what you know about Scott's life to help you with your recount.

Robert Falcon Scott


Now its your turn to write down the recount of Scott's life.