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Addition and Subtraction

Talk partner.

Let's have a go at the questions below together.

What can you use in your math pots to help you?

8 + 5 = 

6 + 10 =

5 - 4 =

15 - 6 =

Now in your yellow math jotters, have a go at the questions below. Use your 100 squares, number lines or the math learning wall to help. 


 To create sentences using co ordinating conjunctions.

What are coordinating conjunctions?

Conjunctions are joining words that link together parts of a sentence.

The three main coordinating conjunctions are:

  • and
  • but
  • or

They can be used to join together two clauses in a sentence. However, the clauses need to make sense on their own.

 Let’s try these together.

2F Co-ordinating conjunctions


Adding -s or -es

When you add -s or -es onto the end of a word, you change it from being singular (one of something) to being plural (more than one of something).

For example:

  • bird = singular (one bird)

  • birds = plural (more than one bird)

  • box = singular (one box)

  • boxes = plural (more than one)



Work with your partner, write the plural on your whiteboard.

You will need to add an ‘-s’ or ‘-es’ to make them plural.


To create a drawing using mixed media.

We are going to use the skills we have learnt in Art to create a beautiful Christmas card.

Think carefully about the patterns, lines, tones and shapes we have looked at to create your Christmas trees.

Year 2 Art - Christmas cards