To be able to recognise and understand odd and even numbers.
Let’s explore.
Let’s learn.
Activity time
To orally rehearse events in chronological order.
We are going to rehearse our invented story in pairs using the story maps we drew.
It's really important to use actions to remember the key events in order and different punctuation marks throughout.
Was Robert Falcon Scott brave?
We have learned about many famous explorers. One of them was Captain Robert Falcon Scott, a British explorer whose aim was to be the first person to reach the South Pole. Unfortunately, this expedition was to be his last.
Do you think he and his team were brave? Talk to your talking partner.
We know from reading our story, The Great Explorer, that you need to be prepared when you set off on an expedition. Many people believe Scott and his team were ill-prepared. Let's watch a video to find out more.
What do you think of Scott now? Are your impressions still the same? Again, talk with your partner about whether you think they were brave. If your opinion has changed, say why.
Now let's watch a video with actual footage of the Terra Nova leaving for Antarctica.
Use the sentence openers below to explain your opinion:
I think Scott was brave because...
I do not think Scott was brave because...
It is OK to have mixed thoughts, but remember to explain your reasons equally.