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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to measure length in metres.

Log on to seesaw and share your results with your table.


Turn to page 117 and 118.

 Now you have finished your work you are going to read it again and check it makes sense, then check it includes capital letters, full stops and tricky words are spelt correctly. 

Let’s check and edit this piece of writing together.

santas elf got lost explorin the north Pole Santa resolved ther and then to gow and rescue him. hi checked his globe packed hiz sack and set off. After flyin for manee hours his reindeer fell aslep and his sleigh crasht

Can you think about things that people can put into their body or on their skin; how these can affect how people feel? 

Most drugs are used to help someone get better if they're ill, and we call them medicines.

Medicines and drugs can be harmful. You should always check with a doctor or an adult you trust before taking them.

Some drugs can be addictive. This means they make you feel like you can’t live without them, even though they may be causing damage to your body.

2F PSHCE - What would you do?


Nancy McCroskey

Nancy McCroskey is an American artist who repeats patterns, shapes and colours in her work. She is inspired by the patterns, lines, tones and shapes found in flowers, animals, maps and letters.

What have we learned so far?

  • To observe pattern in the world around us.
  • To control our drawing tool when creating lines and marks (heavy/soft, lighter/darker)
  • To understand how shading can be used to create depth.
  • To use rubbings to explore texture.

Today we are going to combine these skills to draw in the style of Nancy McCroskey using our favourite patterns.