To be able to use division facts for the 5 times table and relate them to multiplication facts.
Let’s explore
Let’s learn
Let’s try the guided practice together
Turn to page 93 and 94
To say, write and punctuate sentences with a range of punctuation mark.
Go back through your story map and use your actions so you are confident about what you are writing.
Dad! he shouted. His dad was so happy to see him.
Tom took a flare from his bag and signalled for help. Luckily it was spotted by a rescue helicopter.
Tom told his dad about the great adventures that he’d had on the way to rescue him.
We will call you The Great Explorer from now on said his dad proudly when they were safely home. I wonder where our next adventure will take us?
Can you identify plants and animals within their habitat and observe how living things depend on each other?
Polar habitats are very cold but some wildlife can survive there. Watch the video to learn all about polar habitats!
Then work in groups to identify animals that live there and how they manage to survive.