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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to identify a family of multiplication and division facts. 

Let’s try the guided practice together 

Turn to page 97, 98, 99 and 100.


 Today you are going to plan your own adventure story.

 To create texture using rubbings.

What is a Rubbing?

Rubbings are considered to be the oldest form of print-making. To make a rubbing, simply place a piece of paper over something like a leaf or a coin and then rub a pencil, crayon or charcoal over it. The result is a beautifully detailed print of the item!


 You are going to see how many different textures you can find and take a rubbing.

Can you think about things that people can put into their body or on their skin; how these can affect how people feel? 



Around your house there might be things that are dangerous, especially in the bathroom and the kitchen.

You should never open bottles or containers if you don't know what is in them. Things like bleach or washing liquid can be very bad for you if you get them on your skin or in your mouth.