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To be able to understand that grouping is a way of dividing, and use the division (÷) and equals (=) signs.

Let explore.

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Activity time

To write and punctuate sentences with expanded noun phrases.

noun is the name of a person, place or thing- eagle, tree, bird, flowers


Expanded noun phrases add more detail to the noun by adding one or more adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

For example: huge tree, some colourful sweets, the large, royal castle

An expanded noun phrase can also add detail by saying where a noun is.

For example: a tree next to the house, some sweets on the floor, the castle by the ocean.


Today we are going to use the adjectives we generated yesterday in sentences about what events might have happened to Tom in the rainforest.

 A huge snake slithered towards him.

 As he walked across the rainforest floor, Tom saw many large, green plants on the ground.


To identify and study a variety of plants and animals within their habitat.

As biologists you are going to research what lives in an rainforest habitat.



Draw a picture of a rainforest habitat including animals that live there.

Write a list of plants and animals you would find in a rainforest.