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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to understand that sharing is a way of dividing, and discover the relationship between division and multiplication.

Let’s have a go at the guided practice 

Turn to page 89 and 90.

To say, write and punctuate sentences with conjunctions to join ideas.

Today we are going to continue to write the next part of our innovated story. Go back through your story map and use your actions so you are confident with the next part of the story. Your story map maybe different from the example below. Remember to include the punctuation.


After sailing for many weeks gigantic, green trees appeared on the horizon and Tom saw the enormous Amazon River. But soon the river got shallower and shallower … until eventually the boat ran aground!

Fortunately Tom had a hot air balloon. But the balloon sailed too high and was hit by a passing eagle. The balloon plummeted downwards.

AAAAAHHH! Tom screamed with fright

Do you know who is a trusted adult if you are worried for yourself or someone else? 

Trusting someone means that you know they will look after you and keep you safe. A trusted adult might be a family member. It could also be an adult who works at your school like a teacher.


To experiment with colour using a variety of media.

You are going to choose your favourite pattern that you found, then you are going to recreate that pattern using pastels.