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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to use knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables to explore commutative law.

Let’s try the guided practice.

Turn to page 77 and 78.

 To plan and discuss what to write about.


Today we are going to combine our learning so far to draw a story map to help us remember the story off by heart so we can write an invented version.

We already have some pictures to help us and we have a list of time conjunctions to move the story along. Now, we have the tools to create a map. It's really important to include the punctuation to separate sentences so they make sense!

 Can you identify ways in which Christians might use light as part of their Christmas celebrations? 

What is Christingle?

Christingle is a celebration that brings people together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope.


Let's make a Christingle.


Talk to your partner.

  • What does the candle represent on the Christingle?
  • What does the ribbon represent?
  • Why does it include sweets and dried fruit?
  • Why did we use an orange?