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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to solve word problems using multiplication facts from the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Let’s explore.

Let’s learn.

Activity time

To plan and discuss what to write about.

Today we are going to begin to think of ideas we can use to create our own version of the story. We know that explorers travelled all over the world to hot and cold regions and saw many wonderful sights.


We are going to share ideas in groups and answer the questions below so we can use them to plot another adventure.

What adventures would Tom have had if he had travelled to somewhere like the desert or the rainforest?

What equipment would he have taken with him?

What dangers might he have faced? What animals might he have seen?

Click on the picture below to go on your very own expedition to faraway lands. Discover what it's like to survive in different climates. Be brave like Tom and overcome the challenges that await you!

Now let's share our ideas and vote for the environment we are going to use in our innovated story.