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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to recall and use the 2 times table.


Let’s look at this problem together.



Let’s learn. 

Let’s try these together.

Turn to page 61 and 62.


Learn and recite a range of poems using appropriate intonation.

Today, we are going to perform our own version of the poem to Early Years using the poem we wrote.

Think about what we learnt about reciting poems using intonation


Can you use your observational skills to identify natural and man-made patterns? 


Natural things have come from nature you can get them from the earth and you can normally see them outside. Man-made things have been made by people for us to use.


Today we are going to explore the school grounds to find natural and man-made patterns.


To understand ways to manage big feelings and the importance of sharing their feelings with someone they trust.

Feelings are very important, and they are a part of everyone.

There are lots of different types of feelings. Sometimes we feel happy and sometimes we feel sad. These are just two examples of our feelings.
Can you think of any more?

Sometimes we may have big feelings, they don’t start off as big feelings, they can start as little feelings but if they don’t go away they can grow and grow until they become big feelings. Sometimes we can do things to help us calm down, but sometimes these feelings can get bigger and bigger until they can change how we behave or how we get on with other people or how we see the world, a bit like blowing up a balloon until it gets bigger and bigger and finally pops.

Max is an alien, he finds out that his best friend from his home planet is coming to earth to visit him. Maz starts talking really loud and fast and shouts and whoops; he is jumping up and down and spinning round and round. He starts to jump and bounce on the sofa, even though the grown-ups tell him not too. Ooops – he makes a tear in the cushion. Maz realises that he is having a big feeling that is affecting his behaviour.


1. Can you identify the big feeling that Maz is having? 

2. How is the big feeling changing Maz’s behaviour? 

3. Which parts of Maz’s behaviour are not so good? 

4. Can you suggest ways that he could make the situation better?