To be able to use the making 10 strategy to count numbers above 10. To be able to represent numbers on a number line.
Starter -
With your talk partners, count how many blocks you have. I want you to find different ways to help you count the blocks e.g - subitising, 10s, 2s!
With your talk partners using 2 10s frame can you show me how to make -

Guarantee -
Definition - a promise to make sure that some duty or responsibility will be met.
I guarantee to teach you PSHCE.
The boy guaranteed his mum to do his homework on time.
Security -
Definition - Something that gives protection.
A smoke alarm is a security that every house should have
The police officers help to maintain security in our town.
Write in different forms with simple text type features- non-chronological information
Use the spelling rule for ‘s’ and ‘es’
What is a noun?
Choose a noun, add -s or -es
Noun - Book + s = Books
Church + es = Churches
Match + = _______
Mountain + = _________
Play this game!
Today we will do some research on Polar bears to help us write our non-chornological (non-fiction) report.
Let's Learn:
As a group look through the fact files and we'll highlight the important information together!
Now let's plan our report together as a class!