To be able to understand the concept of using rulers for measuring height and length.
Lets recap our learning from last week -
What does height mean?
What does lenght mean?
Do you think we could use parts of our body to measure our classroom, and which parts could we use?
In todays lesson we are going to be using rulers to measure different objects!
We always have to make sure to start from the top of the ruler at 1 cm or it will not be fair!
Activity time!
With your talk partners, can you measure the different objects on your table using a ruler -
White board
Whiteboard rubber
Water bottle
Complete pages 149, 150, 151 and 152!
Create own poem based on a model, selecting key vocabulary and use plurals by adding an ‘s’
Read aloud their writing audibly to adults and peers.
Independent write!
Today you will write your innovated poem independently.
Your teacher will be looking for:
- Capital letters to begin sentences
- Full stops to end sentences
- Capital letters for names
- spaces between words
- neat handwriting
- segmenting for spelling
Using the spelling rule for ‘s’ and ‘es’