To be able to compare height and length using key terminology.
What is the difference between the tiger and elephant?
Let's remember to use the correct key terminology (keywords)
Tall, taller, tallest
Short, shorter, shortest
Let's use string to look at the height of the animals.
Teacher - Purposely push the shortest rope forward so it appears longer
Why would this not be fair?
Remember we must always place the items at the same starting point otherwise the measurements will not be accurate
What do we know about the people that keep us safe?
Talk partners - What does it mean by the word safe?
Can you tell you partner about a time where you have felt safe?
Today we will be looking at all the people we go to that help us keep safe. Can you name any?
Watch this video
Let's mind map!
Think carefully about all of the people who help you in your everyday life. Who helps you at home?
Who helps you at school?
Who helps you at any clubs you go to?
Who helps you when you are out and about?
Draw and label the people who help you on your sheet.
Orally plan and rehearse ideas. |
Using the spelling rule for ‘s’ and ‘es’
When making singular nouns plural we add 's', for example -
Cat becomes Cats
Shirt becomes Shirts
Pen becomes Pens
If the singular noun ends in s, ss, sh, ch, x, z and o then we add an 'es' at the end for example-
Match - Matches
Dish - Dishes
Quiz - Quizzes
With your talk partner can you make these singular words into plural-
Today in English we will be innovating the poem 'the animals went in 2 by 2' by changing the animals!
Lets listen to the poem and use our actions we made up with our class!
Edewcate english rhymes - The animals went in two by two nursery rhyme - YouTube
Now you will be changing the animals to your own chosen animals.
I will model and create one together as a class then you will have a go!
Can we explore patterns using rubbing techniques? |
We are taking inspiration from the German printmaker Anni Albers to create our own work with patterns.
What do you think a pattern is?
Instead of using the patterns already given to us on the rollers, dabbers or shapes, we are going to make our own patterns using things we find in nature and chalk!
So we will be going outside and looking for objects we can make patterns with for example - leaves, stones, sticks and chalk!
By the end we should be able to see a range of different patterns on our paper!
We will need-