Height and length - Practical
Today we will be having a practical lesson and will be looking at height and length.
Watch this video
Working in pairs you will measure the different objects that are on your table.
You will need a ruler and remember to start from 0!
Pencil -
Workbook -
Whiteboard -
Enjoy and recite rhymes and poems by heart. Grammar Using the spelling rule for ‘s’ and ‘es’ When making singular nouns plural we add 's', for example - Cat becomes Cats Shirt becomes Shirts Pen becomes Pens
If the singular noun ends in s, ss, sh, ch, x, z and o then we add an 'es' at the end for example- Match - Matches Dish - Dishes Quiz - Quizzes
With your talk partners, can you make these singular nouns into plural nouns- Dog Elephant Donkey Snake Crocodile
Today we will be making actions for different animal poems! All together as a class we will make actions for the poem The animals went in 2 by 2.
Then in partners you will be making your own actions to a different animal poem and performing it for us all!
Remember when reading a poem - Use your big loud voice Have good actions Speak clearly Stand straight Use EXPRESSIONS!