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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to measure objects using other items as non-standard units of measurement, such as squares

How could we describe how long the bookmark is?

What objects could we use?

How many rubbers do you think we would need?

Teacher - Show pupils a pencil case and ask them if they would need more or less rubbers to measure it.

Let's recap the keywords we learnt yesterday

Short, shorter, shortest

Tall, taller, tallest

Remember to always measure from the start!

Partner work


Can we describe the simple physical properties of everyday materials? 

Recap - Talk partners - Materials and their groups

1R - Material groups


I wonder which is the odd one out?

Today we will be learning about materials and their properties

Can you name any properties?


Not hard, easy to mould, cut or compress 


Not easily bent or changed in shape 


Uneven or irregular surface 


Even and regular surface without bumps 

See- through

Allowing light to pass through so objects behind can be seen 


Something that keeps water out


Can soak up liquid or moisture 

Watch this video

Let's identify objects from the box and use these words to describe them:









Miss Ali says that her bed cover is smooth and soft, because when she moves around the cover is nice to touch and moves so it is flexible.

Is a table soft too? How do you know?


Look at the material and write down the properties. Use the keywords on your worksheet to help you

Plan and rehearse ideas.

Write in different forms with simple text type features- poems with simple structure. 



 Today in English we will start to write our innovated 'the animals went in 2 by 2' poem that we made in our last English lesson.

Lets listen to the poem and use our actions we have made up!

Edewcate english rhymes - The animals went in two by two nursery rhyme - YouTube

Teacher model how to write the poem! 



What is the significance of being a caretaker/Khalifah? 

 What do you think the word significant means?

What is the religion Muslims follow called?

 Discuss with your talk partners!

Lets learn!

Last week we learned about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and why he was seen as a good role model for Muslims.


So the Prophet Muhammed was a caretaker, does anyone know what a caretaker is and what their job is?

Why do you think a care taker is important?

Khalifah is the Muslim word for being a caretaker of the world.

Today our school caretaker will be joining us to share what their job involves and how this role supports the life of the school.