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To plan and discuss ideas.

Today we are going to start to make changes to the story so we can write our own invented story. We are going to keep the same plot with a beginning, middle and end. 

To be able to group shapes using different criteria.

Starter - Let's have a look at some 2D shapes on our tables. 

How can we group these shapes? Talk to your partner and group the shapes. 

Explain to the class what you have done and what criteria you have used to split the shapes into groups.

You can group the 2D shapes in different ways, such as by number of corners and number of sides. 

My friend said she can group shapes that have no corners. Is this possible? Can you show me?

Check through the groups to see if they are correct. 

You can group into number of:-

  1. corners
  2. sides

Count carefully and check whether the groups are correct.


Can we print with a range of hard and soft materials? 

Today we are going to visit the STEAM Hub. We will be using a range of different hard and soft materials such as lego, number block and sponge rollers to create a pattern in the style of Anni Albers!

What do you think a pattern is?

Anni Albers, Design for Wall Hanging, 1926. X66091 - ArtsLife

Can we use research to identify countries of the UK and their characteristics? (2 countries)

Wales and Northern Island

Talk partners - What is the difference between a country and a city?

Last week we researched England and Scotland. 

Let's Learn:

UK | United Kingdom | United Kingdom Song | A Geography Song About the UK and its Capitals

United Kingdom 

Consists of four countries, which are also referred to as Great Britain together with Northern Ireland.   


A nation with its own government which consists of cities, towns and villages. 

 Watch this video to learn about the other 2 countries that we will be researching today. Wales and Northern Island!

Geography | KS1 | KS2 | The United Kingdom | BBC Teach Complete your worksheet from last week by adding in the 2 new countries we have learnt today.