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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Compose and sequence their own sentences to write short narratives.  

 Today you will start to write your invented story independently.

Your teacher will be looking for:

  • Capital letters to begin sentences
  • Full stops to end sentences
  • Capital letters for names
  • Using 'but' in sentences
  • spaces between words
  • neat handwriting
  • segmenting for spelling

To be able to make patterns using common 2D shapes

Talk partners : What can you tell your partner about 2D shapes? How many shapes can you name? 

Sides, corners?

Do you see any patterns on the wallpaper? Is there a special way they have been arranged?

Can you explain how the pattern of 2D shapes would have continued?

A pattern is a special way of arranging 2D shapes so there is repetition.

What is the pattern?

What comes next in the pattern?

What is the pattern? What comes next in the pattern?

 How can we make our own pattern?

Do we understand things we could do to look after our environment? (Citizenship) 

Today you will be turning your plastic bottles into something useful!

Look at your design and have fun!