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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Subtract from 10

To be able to subtract a certain amount of ones from 10 rather than from the ones, as there are not enough ones.


How can we represent this using a part whole model?

Where can we subtract the 9 from? The 10 or the 6? 

How did you make that decision?

Today we are going to have a practical lesson. 

We will use different maths equipment to help subtract an amount from the tens. 

Use the 20 frame to generate numbers to take away. Model how a number can be made up of parts to help us create number bonds like in the Master picture. Repeat as necessary.

Ten Frame | Manipulatives | Coolmath4Kids



To use the conjunction ‘but’ to join ideas. 

Can you finish these sentences?

I enjoy the sunshine but …

I like going to the farm but …
Homework helps me to learn but …
Football is my favourite sport but ...
Mum wants me to help but

Orally retell familiar stories in a range of contexts e.g. small world, role play, storytelling.

Today we are going to learn the story with actions, using the story map below. 

 In the beginning, a boy found a penguin at his door. The penguin looked sad and the boy thought it must be lost. The boy helped him. He checked in the Lost and Found Office. He asked some birds but they didn't help. So the boy and the penguin rowed to the South Pole. When they arrived, the penguin looked sadder than ever. The boy set off home but he thought the penguin must have been lonely. The boy searched for the penguin. A bit later, he found the penguin and they gave each other a huge hug.


Adaptive Teaching- Sit on one table and practice this story map with actions. 


Do we understand things we can do to look after our environment? (Citizenship)

Talk partners: How can you explain to someone about what it means to recycle?

Recycle - Taking an item ready to be thrown away and changing it into another usable item 

Before we start our new learning, what do you think we could do to things to help recycle them? Instead of just throwing them away? 

As an ECO school, we have leaders that guide us in how we can protect our environment. 

Let's do some research on recycling and how to turn waste into something useful. 

Design - A plan that helps make a product

Create - To make something

We are going to recycle our milk bottles and turn them into something that we can use! 

Use these ideas to help you and create a design on your worksheet.


Can we make marks with rollers using printing palettes?


The word 'palette' refers to the board used on which an artist mixes colours.

Today we are going to visit the STEAM Hub. We will be printing lines and marks in the style of Anni Albers using paint and rollers.

If you are adding colour, which colour do you think you should use first- a light or dark colour?

 What will happen if you print the other way round?