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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to add two numbers by making 10 first then adding the remainder.

How many different ways can we explain how to work this out? what could we draw/use to help us? Model using ten frames to show their suggestions.

Partner work:

Use the dice to generate 2 numbers.

In pairs using ten frames, one make a number using red, the other make the other number using blue. 

Work out how many altogether using number bonds to 10 then counting on the remainder.



Now complete page 109.

To add s to words.
Can you remember what adding s to nouns means? 

Have a look around the room? Can you see anything that there is more than one of.

Your teacher will write the noun and then add the s to make it more than one. 

Identify and discuss the main characters in stories. 

Develop and demonstrate their understanding of character through answering who, what, why, where, when and how questions.

We are going to read the start of the story, stop after you have read ' That night the boy couldn't sleep for disappointment'.

Lost and Found af Oliver Jeffers

Re-read and think about what might happen next. 

Think about the characters in the story and how each one might be feeling. 

As a class, we are going to begin to create a character profile for the boy and the penguin.

We are going to focus on 3 things- appearance, personality and actions (discuss what each mean) 








Some of these questions we may not know the answer too yet, we can make a prediction until we have read more of the story. 


Can we control the types of marks made with a variety of media?

This half term, we are going to explore the work of another famous artist and the environment to take inspiration for our work. 

When we find out more about our artist, lets think about one of our key questions: 

Does equality mean treating everyone the same? 

Y1 Art Anni Albers

Discuss what you think of the artwork with your partner. 

Do you have a favourite piece?

Can you see any shapes?

How has she used straight and curvy lines?

Do you like/dislike the colours?


Is there anything in her artwork that would influence your own?

Do we understand things we can do to look after our environment? (Citizenship)

What does it mean to be a citizen?

Talk partners: How would you explain to someone who doesn't come from Earth what an 'environment' is? Can you give an example of an environment?

Environment- everything that surrounds a living thing.

Before we start our new learning- what do we already know about looking after an environment? 

Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must work to provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment. Richer countries must also help poorer countries achieve this.

As an ECO school, we have leaders that guide us in how we can protect our environment. Click here to find out more. (Look at the Eco Code)

What questions could we ask our leaders to find out more information?

Watch BBC KS1 Looking after the environment.

Work through the next parts of information on the same page, including the quiz.

What new information have we learned about ways to look after our environment?

Now design a poster informing others how we can act as responsible citizens and take care of our world.