To be able to add by counting on from the greater number.
Start by counting to 20 from 0. Then count on from given numbers.
This picture shows 9 aliens. Explain how you know.
Now we are going to add 4 more aliens. How many will there be? Explain how you know. My friend said you do not need to start counting from 1.
Does this knowledge help us to solve the problem below?
Is it easier to start with the greatest or smallest number?
Model problem 2 using a 100 square.
Use your 100 square to solve these sums.
Let's learn:
To add s to words.Have a look at these words, when we add an s.
These words are nouns, when there is more than one (plural) there is an s at the end.
chair- chairs
To make predictions about the text.
What can you see? Discuss with your talk partners.
I can see ..... Tell me more.
I wonder if
I think
What animal is in the story? Do you know anything about penguins?
Watch Yotube-All About Penguins for Kids | A Lesson On Penguins For Kids | Species, Habitats, Body Parts
Can you write a sentence about your favourite animal?
My favourite animal is a ....... because ..........
Adaptive Teaching (in class)
Draw a picture of their favourite animal and write a label.