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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to recognise, read and write numbers to 20.

Watch Doc's Kids Channel Counting numbers 1 to 20 (Youtube)

Play https://matheasily.com/christmas-counting-games.html 

Complete the Christmas Numbers to 20 sheets.

To punctuate simple sentences including question marks. 

To use key vocabulary.


It is time for you to be authors!

You are going to write your competition entry and describe the dragon you have created. 

We are looking for: 

  • neat writing 
  • using your phonics
  • using and in your sentences 
  • lots of adjectives
  • a name and he dragon introducing themselves 
  • capital letters 
  • full stops 
  • spaces between words

Can we use evidence to identify, classify and group a variety of animals?

We are going to revisit Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores

Youtube-Animals - herbivore, carnivore, and omnivores quiz.

Can you play the game below. Click the picture and when you see an animal, select the correct category. 

With the pictures you had last week, you are going to group them into 3 groups depending on what they eat.