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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to order numbers to 20.

Watch the video:

Numbers to 20 (knowing the counting sequence) -Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize

Which of these numbers is the odd one out?

Play Caterpillar Ordering - An Ordering and Sequencing Game (Ordering 1- 20) children to write numbers on whiteboards, then ask for volunteers to come to the whiteboard to check. Play forwards then backwards.

Independent- children have a hyperlink set on Seesaw to Topmarks (Coconut Ordering). They can choose any of the units up to 20 (number, prices, measures, etc.) Click on the link symbol in the bottom corner to play.

Adaptive teaching:

Watch the video:

LEARN TO COUNT 1-15 Pirate Song | Number 15 for preschool, kindergarten, toddler


Count from these numbers up to 15..


3, 4, 5...


7, 8, 9...


11, 12, 13...

Now complete the sheet by cutting and sticking the numbers in order.


To use the joining word and

 It is hot _____ sunny.

 I have a brother _____ a sister.

 I went to the beach _____ went in to the sea.

 To write simple sentences using capital letters and full stops using adjectives. 

Today we are going to use adjectives, that we learned yesterday in our writing.

We are going to describe the stork. The Ugly Five - Julia Donaldson

The teacher will model what you are going to write ( The stork is ugly because it has a dangly throat pouch)

Now you are going to write a sentence about the stork, but change the adjective and reason why. 

The stork is .............. because........



dangly throat pouch


covered in poo


eats almost everything


long and skinny legs.


 eats from a rubbish bin

 Once the children have completed their writing, they can draw a picture of the dreadful stork!!

Adaptive Teaching


Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about why people give gifts, what kinds of gifts people might give and how it can make people feel loved, special or thankful if they receive gifts.

Refer to learning on Learning Wall.

We have been learning The Nativity Story, which Christians retell each Christmas to remind them that God gave his Son, the Saviour of the World, as a gift to Christians so they could feel loved, special and thankful.

Today, we are going to answer some questions in a quizlet to show our understanding of what we have learned.

Do we recognise how people may feel if they experience hurtful or bullying behaviour?

Talking partners:

What is an example of kind behaviour?

What is an example of unkind behaviour?

What is the difference between being unkind and bullying?

What do we mean when we say #chooserespect?

What should you do if you see or experience bullying?

"Benna Makes a Noise" on Youtube read by Jill Halfpenny.

Listen to the story and pause to let the children discuss:

* When Benna can't fly or twirl round branches like the other bats can

* When Benna sees Bestie at the entrance

*When Benna sees what happens to Balbir

* When Benna's dad says that the teacher needs to know

* When Benna and Balbir hatch a plan

* When the bat teacher tells Bestie that he has been showing bullying behaviour

* When all the bats make a noise together

Now model what a person who experiences bullying may look like (particularly focus on body language) what they may sound like (quiet, shy, one words answer, etc) and what they may feel like. Then children record independently.