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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to order numbers to 20.

Let's learn:

Complete pages 97 & 98.

Adaptive teaching:

Model first-

Clap a number (up to 15) and have children count along. Write the number on the whiteboard. Clap again. Write the number next to it. Which is the smallest? (circle it) Repeat several times with children writing the numbers on their whiteboards.

Repeat with the largest number.

Now introduce 3 numbers. Order the numbers from smallest to largest. Then largest to smallest.

Indep- Topmarks Gingerbread Man Ordering (1-10)

The Gingerbread Man Game - Counting, Matching and Ordering game




To join sentences together using and.

To write sentences with capital letters and full stops.

Can you remember what a noun is? What is an adjective? 


Revisit yesterday's writing. What did you write about? What adjectives did you use?

We are going to choose another animal to write about using a different adjective.


This time it will be completed independently, without the model to look at! 

Choose an animal and choose a adjective. Have a look at the list of adjectives on the learning wall.  

What will the teachers want to see in your writing? 


Adaptive Teaching

Discuss the sentence as a group.

Children independently write the sentence. 

TLP's- draw an ugly animal on Sketches. 

Revisit the learning wall and previous learning about animal groups, herbivores etc. 

Complete the science quizlet. 


Can we evaluate our product and design?

What does evaluate mean? 

Evaluate: to study carefully and judge.

Have a look at your house/stable you made last week, we are going to evaluate them. 

If you were to make it again, what would you change? What would you do differently if you were to make it again? 

Write a sentence in your Engineering books, evaluating your house/stable.