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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to use the terms 'more than' or 'less/fewer than' to compare numbers within 20.

Split into 2 teams (make sure one has more).

Which team has more? How can we tell?

How can we use the strategy 'making 10 first' to help us work it out?

Let's explore:

Let's learn:

Group work (in 4s):

Pair A make a number with the ten frames- do not show

Pair B make a number with the ten frames- do not show

Reveal to the other pair

Which pair has more? How many more?

Which pair has fewer? How many fewer?

Complete pages 95 & 96.

Adaptive teaching:

2 children throwing bean bags into the hoops at the same time (up to 15). Other children counting/recording number.

Which person has more/ which person has fewer?

Complete p95.


Can you write a sentence including the word and? 


To activate prior knowledge and discuss key vocabulary. 

Can you remember the video we watched of Julia Donaldson. 

We are going to use the book ‘Zog’ to create descriptions of dragons.

Zog - Books - Living Paintings

Each dragon in the book has its own unique look. What does unique mean?

We need a name for our dragon, it can be any name. Can you write a list of names in your book. 

Gruffalo artist Axel Scheffler's Zog transformed for the stage - BBC News

What adjectives can we use to describe the dragon?

Look at his appearance (what he looks like) and the type of dragons they are.


pink  red 
chicken legs dull eyes    
friendly brave
long tails sharp claws
furry skin pointy horn


You are going to get a dragon to stick in your book.

Can you write labels with adjectives too describe their features?