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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to recognise and read numbers up to 20.

Begin by using Today's Number - Up to 20 to model writing numbers up to 20 in yellow books.

Pick a number up to 20 out of a hat. In pairs, children make the number using ten frames. Model using Ten Frame | Manipulatives | Coolmath4Kids

Show that it is easier to count by filling a ten first then adding on. Model this as an equation on the board. 10 plus 7 ones is the same as 17.

Adaptive Maths

As above using numbers to 15.

To use descriptive language. 


 To use question marks to at the end of some sentences. 

Finish reading the story.

Discuss the other 3 animals and words to describe them. Click the picture for the fact file. 

Write some words that the author used to describe these animals. 

We are going to think about some questions we could ask to find out more about the animals. What do we want to find out about each animal?

Can you remember the question words?


Adaptive Teaching-record the question they want to ask on Seesaw.

How was the fire put out? (research and enquiry)

Today we are going to work as part of a community to 'put the fire out'. We will use methods they would have used in the past to help us understand how difficult the task was and why the fire burned for so long.