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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to count to 20 using the key strategy of making 10 first.

How many items are in these frames?

How do you know they all have 10?

Mrs Hall said that you have learned to fill a 10 frame in 5s and pairs. What does she mean? (refer back to the pictures)

Today we are going to plant some seeds just like the picture below. How many seeds will there be? What would be the easiest way to count- from 1 or from 10? Can we use a number line to help?

Let's learn:

What would be the easiest way to count the bees?

My friend suggested we should make 10 first then count on from there.

How can we use a number line to help us work out how many pencils there are?

In pairs, use ten frames to show what the numbers 11-20 would look like (remind them that making 10 first is the strategy we are learning.)

Use dice to roll a number instead of picking a card.

Adaptive Maths

As above but numbers up to 15. Use cards as suggested in the game (1-5 for numbers up to 15)


To activate prior knowledge. 
To use descriptive language

To use question marks at the end of some sentences.
Discuss what is correct about my sentence. 

Are you six years old? 
I like jam. 
What do you like to play with? 
How can I get out? 
The Ugly Five (Gift Edition BB) By Julia Donaldson
Today we are going to re-read the story.

We are going spilt into our tables to write facts (on a large piece of paper with a picture of 1 animal) about each of the animals from the story. 

Your teacher will model what you have to do, with the stork. 
Click here to watch the video-stop watching at 1.20. 
Each table will watch a video about their animal on an ipad. 
Working as a team, work together to write the facts down. 

You will then play pass the fact with someone from another table. You will share a fact about your animal, and they will share a fact about theirs. 









Can we make the product using our design?


We are going to go to the STEAM Hub to create either your house or stable following your design.