To make predictions, explaining reasoning.
Discuss with talk partners.
I can see a .... Tell me more....
Where do you think the animals are?
Why do you think the title is The Ugly Five? What does ugly mean?
Write a prediction in your English book.
I think the story it about ..... because......
Adaptive Teaching
To recognise and read numbers up to 20.
Numberblocks - Series 4: I Can Count to Twenty - BBC iPlayer
Use a number line to support learning- watch the video on the link below. Play the quiz.
Numbers to 20 (knowing the counting sequence) -Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize
Now play Top Marks- Helicopter Rescue (first 'direct' then 'between' when ready)
Adaptive teaching
Use a number line to support learning. Start by counting on and back to 10.
Play 'Number blocks 11-15' and stop between each number video. Can the children find the number on the line? Does it come before or after 10? Count from zero to the number then count back. Children make the number using cubes (stack of ten then extra ones at the side so they can see it is 10 plus another number)
Now play Top Marks- Teddy Numbers up to 15 (in numerals)
It existed or happened before something.
We learned how to make a hinge in a previous lesson.
The situation within which something exists or happens that can help explain it.
"They are blue" doesn't make sense because we don't know the context.
This word can be used in many different contexts.
1. between the upper and lower limits
It will cost in the range of £10 and £20.
2. a set of different things of the same general type
There is a huge range of bird types.
3. the distance within which a person can see or hear
Something hovered just beyond her range of vision.
4. a line or a series of mountains
5. a large area of open land for grazing or hunting
6. a large cooking stove that is kept continually hot