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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To punctuate simple sentences with capital letters and full stops.

Today you will start to write your invented story independently.

Your teacher will be looking for:

  • Capital letters to begin sentences
  • Full stops to end sentences
  • Capital letters for names
  • -ed endings
  • spaces between words
  • neat handwriting
  • segmenting for spelling


To revise writing equations including symbols.

Revisit the symbols and what they mean.

Talk about the position of the equals sign. 

How can we work our number sentences out? What can we use ?

The children are going to write addition and subtraction sentences in their Maths Jotters.



Model rolling a dice and write an addition sentences with the 2 numbers rolled. 


Start your calculation with either 7, 8, 9 or 10.

Roll the dice and take away that number. 


Adaptive Teaching

Revisit practically adding, remember when we add we count all together and the number always gets bigger. 

Show the children a simple calculation, can they work it out using objects. Photograph for Seesaw. 

Repeat the above with subtraction, when we subtract the things always go away/disappear and the number gets smaller. 



Can we research to classify animals by what they eat?

Introduce the vocabulary Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores. 

Watch BBC Bitesize- What do animals eat?

Read the information on the page and complete the quiz at the bottom. 







Write a list of animals that are Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores. 

Complete the seesaw activity-sorting the animals into the correct classification. 


Can we identify similarities and differences between Christmas cards?

We have learned about why some people give gifts to people who are special to them.

Let's revisit our learning from Week 2.

Some people choose to give cards to others at Christmas. Is there a difference between religious and non-religious cards?

Y1 RE Christianity Jesus


Sort the cards.

Use these sentence openers to share your ideas:

The cards are the same because...

The cards are different because...

Why might some Christians think it is important to share a card with an image from the Nativity on the front?

Now it is your turn to design a card on Seesaw.