To punctuate simple sentences with capital letters and full stops.
Today we are going to use the ideas from the shared story map to write the beginning of our innovated story. Your teacher will model what good writing looks like.
Adaptive teaching-
Model writing the first two sentences. Say the sentences a couple of times first using actions. Use 'thinking out loud' strategies to show children how to segment for spelling.
"I know how to spell Zog because I have written it before. (Using phoneme fingers) Z - o - g. It is the start of the sentence, so I must use a capital letter. (Looking at the word) does it look correct? Yes. So now I know to leave a space before the next word. Oh, it's a tricky word that I have learned. w- a- s. etc. How do I show that I have finished my sentence?"
To be able to apply knowledge of position to solve problems.
Complete page 88-90.
A significant or strong influence; an effect.
Your behaviour will have an impact on others.
A diary or daily record of a person or organization.
The journal has lots of information about what happened in the past.
A person’s condition, position or standing relative to that of others.
The king and queen have a very high status.
having to do with the study or practice of medicine.
free of mistakes; correct.