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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to name positions, including left and right. 

 Where is the giraffe is in the line? 

 My friend said that 1st is always at the front of the line, but they were unsure how to tell where the front of a line was.

How do we know where the front of the line is? How do we know the lion is first and the elephant is last?

Discuss how ordinal numbers are also used to show position in everyday situations, for example, the supermarket checkout numbers and aisle number. 


Complete pages 83-84.

To plan and discuss what to write about.

Adaptive teaching

One of our British Values is Democracy, which means you have the freedom to choose and it is fair to go with what the majority (most) vote for.

Today we need to choose which story we would like to use as a class from the ideas we came up with together yesterday.

Your teacher will then draw a story map and it's up to you to think of the actions that will help us to remember it.

How did the Great Fire of London start and spread so quickly? (research and enquiry)

How did the fire start? (up to 0:28)


 Why did it spread so quickly? (0:30 - 2:05)

Can we recognise what is kind and unkind behaviour, and how this can affect others?



Can you think of a kind behaviour? 

 Can you think of an unkind behaviour? 

In your partners, can you role play a kind behaviour and an unkind behaviour? 

You are going to work in partnership with the people on your table. You will need to cut out the pictures.

Discuss each picture and decide whether the behaviour is kind or unkind.