To be able to name the positions in a queue.
Ask 10 pupils to line up at the front of the class. What is the position of each child in the queue?
Encourage them to use vocabulary such as 'before', 'after' and 'between' and the positional language learnt in the previous lesson.
In talk partners- use counting objects. Make a line of 8.
Ask the children to point to the different positions.
Place a water bottle at the right of the line- talk about how the position changes.
Model how to complete this sheet, complete independently.

Adaptive Teaching- Revisit the activity from yesterday.
Complete the sheet below with an adult to assist with the reading.

Plan and discuss what to write about.
Adaptive teaching
Yesterday we identified the characters, setting and plot of our shortened version of Zog. Today we will think about changes we can make to write an innovated story.
Remember- we are writing a fairytale with dragons and princesses, so we must keep to the theme. Racing cars and spaceships will not work.
What do dragons learn at school? | What problem might Zog have? | What can Pearl do to help? |
To fly | Burned his wing | Gave him a bandage |
To roar | Lost his voice | Gave him a sweet |
Now we are going to use role play to develop our ideas about what the characters say and do in our innovated story.