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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to use the appropriate ordinal numbers for up to 10 positions.

What is important about a race?

When someone mentions first place or winning, ask if they know what that means.

What position the ducklings are in. Is Lulu correct? Discuss the position of the ducklings to answer the question.

Complete page 79-82.

Adaptive Teaching-Use small world animals.  Make a line of 5. Touch each position and name it. Ask the children to point to the different positions. 

Place a water bottle at the right of the line- talk about how the position changes. Who is first now? etc

To identify and discuss the features of a story.

Adaptive teaching

Let's learn:

Your teacher will pause the video throughout so you can compare what you have learned with our shortened version of Zog.

It's your turn to record:

Who are the characters?

Where is the story set?

Introduction to story elements


The act of handling or controlling something.

I can manipulate cardboard to make a hinge. 



To design with a new shape or form. To be creative or imaginative.

I can create a picture using paint.



A series of events which produce a result. 

They described the process used to separate cream from milk.



A difficult task, especially one that the person making the attempt finds more enjoyable because of that difficulty.

Learning to tie my shoe laces is a challenge.



A specific form or variation of something.

We are learning a shorter version of Zog. 



The tools or objects used for a particular activity or purpose.  

A ball is equipment for playing a game.