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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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 Chapter Review. 

Complete independently. Listen to your teacher read the question and work out the answer. 

Complete question  4, 5 and 6.

Remember what you can use to help you work out the answer. 



How well do you know the alphabet? Sing along to find out.


To know how to use a capital letter for a name.

What are the names of the characters we have read about so far?

Can you invent names for the characters we don't know the name of?

Your teacher will model how to write a list of names using capital letters to start, then it's your turn.

Let's read the rest of the book to find out what happens. Before we do, talk to your partner about what you think might happen at the end.

Adaptive teaching- work in a group when the class are writing a list. Teacher model segmenting for spelling then writing Zog. Children learn to write Zog following the model.

Do we understand how to treat ourselves and each other with respect?

This week we are participating in Anti-Bullying Week. 

Talk to your partner- what is bullying?

Write ideas into your floor book. 


anti bullying week 2024 primary school lesson 999kb.pdf

 Now we are going to role play some respectful and disrespectful scenarios.

See sheet.



 Can we investigate ways to connect cardboard?




Now its your turn to attach 2 pieces of cardboard using tape. 

Connecting cardboard- using slots 


 Now its your turn to connect your cardboard using slots.