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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to solve problems in the context of addition and subtraction, and to find the corresponding number families.

Revisit fact families from last week and the meaning of =  is the same as. 



Now complete 65 & 66.


Poppies - BBC iPlayer

Why is World War 1 still significant today?



All the punctuation in the sentences have been mixed up. Can you put them back in the correct place?

i wear a Red poppy to. remember

they. fought for us So we can be safe

some people. Went home to their family


Show understanding by asking and answering questions.


 What do we know?

What information would we like to find out? Record your question on a post-it note.

Let's look at the front cover, blurb and Year 1 together to search for clues to answer the questions.



Definition: a plan, method, or series of actions meant to perform a particular goal or effect.

What are your strategies for winning the game?



Definition: main; chief.

My mum is my primary carer.


Definition: the act or an instance of participating

The teacher encouraged participation in class discussions.


Definition: to tell in advance that something will happen.
I predicted it was going to rain.
Definition: a pattern or process in which one thing follows another.

Classes at our school follow the same sequence every day.


Definition organised by rank or level.

Lion prides are hierarchical, with dominant males at the top.