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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To separate sentences with finger spaces. 

Can you improve my sentences, we will complete the first one together. 






To add suffixes to verbs where no spelling change.

Rehearse the poem with actions. 


 We are going to write a sentence which is inspired by the poem. 


The fire burns like.... 

Your teacher will model it first and you can write your sentence. 


Adaptive Teaching

Read the poem and practice using actions. 

Watch the fire and talk about what fire does. 

Model write the sentence 'The fire is hot'. Make sure the children segment is and hot. Talk about the being a tricky word. Write another sentence and talk about another word you could write. 


To be able to subtract by counting back.

My friend said you can use a number line to help work this out. Is she correct? Show me.

What would it look like with counters?

Now complete pages 59 & 60.

Maths (Adaptive Teaching)

Use the number line outside to count up to 10 in order. Child to step on the number as the group count. Take it in turns. This is adding one each time. The number is getting bigger.

Explain that number lines can help us count backwards. Repeat activity counting back from 10.

Subtracting is counting back. When we take away 1 each time, the number is getting smaller.

Take it in turns to find the whole (e.g 6) then take away 1. Repeat so all children have a turn with different numbers.

Now repeat inside with number lines to 10. Put your finger on... now take away 1. Where do you land? So ... take away 1 is ...? One less than ... is...?

Why is the Great Fire of London significant?

"In sixteen hundred and sixty six,

London burned like rotten sticks"

Y1 History GFOL

What does significant mean?

Something great or important worthy of attention.

Where is London and where are we?

Click here to visit London in the present day.

London is the capital city of England and the largest city in the United Kingdom. Important landmarks include the Palace of Westminster (where parliament meets), St Paul’s Cathedral (London’s largest church) and Whitehall (the main residence of the English monarch in the 1600s).

Let's take a look at what London was like during the Great Fire of London in 1666 and compare it to more recent times.

Y1 History GFOL 2


Discuss what you have found out using these sentence frames:

A long time ago... now...

Before it was... now it is...

Let's go outside to create a 'conscience alley' to answer the question:

Did more good or bad come from the Great Fire of London?


Key Question- What do people say about God?

Focus question for this half term-

Why is Jesus special to Christians?

Governments must respect the responsibilities of families and communities to direct and guide children as they grow up, so they can enjoy their rights properly.

Why is family important?

Who is responsible for raising children in a family?

What roles do people have when they are helping one another?


Babies are both physically and emotionally vulnerable, which means they need someone to look after them.

How do you prepare for a new baby?

Listen to this story.

"I'm a new big sister."



Can you write a list of what you think a baby needs?

When you have finished pick which you think are the three most important and tell your partner why.

Let's listen to another story.

"The new baby" by Mercer Mayer



Some gifts cost a lot of money and some gifts such as love, family and care are free.