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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to subtract by using a number line.

In yellow Maths books calculate:

10 - 1 =

9 - 4 = 

6 - 3 = 

5 - 4 = 

8 - 2 =

7 - 6 =

4 - 4 =

3 - 0 =

Maths (Adaptive Teaching)

Use number lines to complete these calculations in Yellow Maths books.

Adults to write the calculation, children to write the answer.

5 - 1 =

6 - 1 = 

8 - 1 =

2 - 1 = 

10 - 1 =


To separate words with spaces. 

Write a dictated sentence making sure you have spaces between your words. 

 To read words containing -ed endings

 Listen to the poem about The Great Fire of London. 


 Let's look at a section of the poem. We are going to look at some of the words and identify words with –ed endings. Highlight and model how to read them fluently. 


Glowed with an orange light 

There billowed out black smoke. 

He called out for the fireman, 

And called out for the mayor.

So they tried to put the flames out.

The fire engines slipped in the mud.

He realised the fire posed a very serious threat. 

He decided he must help.

He marched out of the palace, towards the fire and smoke. 

Everyone was really glad that the good king was there.


Write some of the ed words for your LW and discuss the meaning. Can you make some of the words from the Crackle! Spit! poem into ed words? 


Can we research different classification of animals?

What animals do we already know? 

We are going to look at different groups of animals

  • fish
  • birds 
  • amphibian 

Click on the image below, watch the video and read the facts about the fish, bird and amphibian.